Saturday, July 31, 2010

CloudCrowd on Facebook

Few days ago, i come through this site CloudCrowd. It is a site that using facebook application to post new jobs and manage their workers.
What they do?
When people employ CloudCrowd to complete a project, they will break it down into small task, assign a fee on them and get people complete it. Therefore, we as a work at home seeker get to earn money by completing the given task.

How much they pay?
They pay from UDS0.01 and above. What! Just $0.01? It is very much depends on the difficulty of the job. But by the end of the day it adds up. I know some people might say, $2.00 a day... who cares
I think if you spend most of your day on Youtube, playing FarmVille on Facebook or surfing porn, you probably end up with nothing, if you are lucky not to be caught by your gf...haha
The good things is you get pay the second day straight away into your Paypal account.

Referral Program
Most of the companies has referral program. That's for you to tell other people how good they are, and earn money together. They pay you some commission too!! You get:

  • 1st Level referral you get   10.1%
  • 2nd Level referral you get   3.2%
  • 3rd Level referral you get    1.5%
Rates are subject to change on a quarterly basis.

What you guys waiting for? Join with me!!


HillbillyClickers 1st Payment

After 7 days i received payment from Lora(clickorsigmup), i received another payment from her(hillbillyclickers) site again. If you see the proof below, she pay us using her clickorsignup account, with a note for HBC payment.
All i want to say is she's back. I'm proud of her site, and will always support her...join with me buddy.


Friday, July 23, 2010

DollarClickOrSignup 2nd payment

Dollarclickorsignup 2nd Payment Received
Actually i already request for this cashout like 3 months ago, and i suppose to receive it almost instantly. Unfortunately, something's happen to Lora(the site owner).She can't make the payment on time. But, she keep us informed about what's happen and she also promise we will get pay once she get things sort out.

Here we go, my payment receive this morning.. thanks lora!!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

888 Bux

Just established May 2010, very similar to Neobux.
Members : more then 55k
Earnings: up to$0.02per click, up to $0.01per referral click
Ads Daily: 4+ daily
Minimun to Cashout: $2 Payment: Instant via Paypal / Alertpay
Join with me!!



Is a good site in my opinion.
Already Paid : $4919
Earnings: up to$0.015per click, up to $0.015per referral click
Ads Daily: 5+ daily
Minimun to Cashout: $3
Payment: Instant via Paypal / Alertpay
Join with me!!


Neobux 1st Payment

Neobux 1st Payment Received
This is my first payment received from Neobux. As we know, neobux is the best ptc as today. I start this 6 months ago, and i try to rent referral with the money i click. After many recycle and renting, i got 10 referral with average 2.5clicks/day. So, i decided to cash out ($2.02). The money is in my Paypal instantly, immediately i request.
I'll continue rent more ACTIVE referral, and able to cash out more next time.


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